There are loads of essential oil brands out there. But not many that can be ingested. Essential oil ingestion can be an effective application method. However, it’s an application that certainly should be done with caution, as you want to ensure that you’re using therapeutic food grade essential oils that truly are, as they say, “edible.”
Because, no doubt, most brands out there can be dangerous to ingest.
That being said, many therapeutic grade essential oils can be ingested. Keep in mind, though, “therapeutic grade” can be a loosely held term. Only because it’s thrown around a lot by companies that offer all degrees of quality. So before doing research on your own take such claims with a grain of salt.
How food grade essential oils can be ingested
We’ll expound on the specific brands shortly, but first know what food grade essential oils are and how exactly you can use them by way of ingestion.
Whether it’s for cooking or general consumption, essential oils can add flavoring to your recipes while also adding therapeutic benefits through general internal application. So what does it all mean?
Food grade oils are, in short, safe for internal consumption. There, we said it. Some oils, like those intended to treat indigestion or stomach aches, can in fact be more effective when taken internally.
[amazon box=”B06Y2H3N71″]Therapeutic grade oils are highly concentrated, natural derivatives of plants. And, indeed, some can be used for cooking. Applied sparingly, they can add flavor to your recipes, providing bold scents and tastes that will enhance your meals – everything from soups to candies and marinades. A few examples of how you can use essential oils in your food are:
- Candies and desserts: Lemon, peppermint, and orange
- Soups and sauces: Thyme and marjoram
- Chocolate sweets: Lavender and bergamot
The right brand is 100% natural
As a natural product, it should come as no surprise that essential oils can in fact be used internally. After all, they are natural compounds of plants.
A common misconception is that they are synonymous with perfume, or other chemically-derived fragrances. Sure, essential oils emit a pleasant aroma. But they are organically produced products that offer profound therapeutic benefits – everything from relaxation to weight loss to maintaining sound overall health.
[amazon box=”B07NJJSS68″]Now for the most important part of this post. What essential oil brands can you safely ingest? The fact is, most of them you can’t. Or, at least, we wouldn’t recommend it.
Let us be clear: Not all oils are created equal (update: we apologize, but due to certain regulations, we recently had to omit specific brand names from this article).
The production process is critical when it comes to the quality and effectiveness of essential oils. How and where it’s produced greatly impacts the overall quality of the oil. Some oils inherit chemical additives during the production process. Other companies fail to harvest the plants from their indigenous regions. This deeply degrades the integrity and potency of the oil, and may even make it harmful to ingest.
Nice advice
I ingested 2 drops is NOW brand myrrh oil in coconut milk but then read the bottle afterwards that it’s not for ingestion. Bottle says 100% pure…Should I be worried? Was that equivalent to 30 cups of tea? Will it flush out of my system?? Will it cause any harm?