Whether it’s a tension headache, chronic migraine, or just the occasional pain in the brain, there are plenty of ways to treat your migraine headaches naturally. Sure, using natural headache remedies during pregnancy is critical to protecting a mother’s child. But being pregnant shouldn’t be the only reason to use healthy 100% organic migraine solutions.
Treating migraine headaches without prescription or over the counter medications is not only effective, but it preserves your overall health and well-being. Many products claim to deliver an all organic treatment cure for a variety of ailments – including those oh-so-dreaded brain pains that plague you throughout your days and nights.
Natural alternatives for pain relief, nausea, stomach aches (and the list goes on) are becoming more and more popular, thanks to the healthy form of therapy they provide. Let’s just say, there is such thing as a natural painkiller.
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Oils that are good for the occasional headache
A quick note: While essential oils are often used as natural remedies, we are not qualified to claim that they are a substitute for any specific medications. Have to throw out that disclosure
While there are a number of essential oils you can use for minor migraines and head pain, two of the top single oils are Peppermint and Lavender. Peppermint is effective for helping to relieve minor symptoms of those mind-numbing headaches that come from a variety of culprits.
So how do you use it?
- Place a few drops at the bottom of your tub or shower before bathing or showering. This will produce a Peppermint aromatherapy steam to deliver some headache pain relief.
- Rub a couple drops of Peppermint on your temples and back of head to address the headache or migraine directly.
- Diffuse a few drops of the essential oil throughout your bedroom, living room, or work area.
Peppermint – particularly when combined with orange, lemon, or other citrus oils – can also give you a jolt of energy, when the time is right. Yearning for that afternoon nap while you’re stuck in your cubicle? Apply a few drops of Peppermint – or if you’re really dragging, suck in a deep breath straight from the bottle – and you’re good to go!
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Lavender: another aromatherapy option
As we noted above, Lavender essential oil can be effective in allaying migraine headaches naturally. And it’s particularly beneficial when addressing headaches that stem from occasional anxiety-related sypmtoms. The reason Lavender is so effective in these areas is because it is a calming oil that has sedative properties. It’s often called the “gateway oil,” due to it’s many uses.
Here’s how to use Lavender aromatherapy:
- Diffuser: Add 5 drops of Lavender and diffuse throughout the room. If you’re at home, lay down and relax with the diffuser right next to your bed or couch.
- Apply directly to your temples or wrists to ease tension and anxiety. If you’re headaches are due to insomnia, Lavender is good for helping you get a good night’s sleep.
To see the full list of options, scroll on down.
For headaches stemming from the common cold
Colds and congestion are often a big source of head pain. So sometimes it’s more effective to block out the pain at its root – that is, treating the cold itself. Whether it’s a sinus infection, the flu, or just a few sniffles, there are aromatherapy techniques to ease these illnesses.
Respiratory problems can lead to a host of health issues. And while you certainly may be tempted to load up on Dayquil and Nyquil, there are healthier, natural options. One thing to consider is an essential oil blend. This is a blend of therapeutic grade oils that work to ease breathing patterns for sustained benefits. Among other advantages, formulating your own blend can help:
- Improve overall breathing by clearing your airways.
- Curb the impact of seasonal illnesses.
- Enhance overall respiratory health.
Oils you can include in the blend are peppermint, eucalyptus, and lemon. You can apply the blend in a number of ways: Diffusing, inhaling, or direct topical application (if you have sensitive skin, you may need to use a carrier oil).
So if your headache stems from a congestion or sinus problems, addressing the root of the problem may be your first step. Combine that with a little Lavender and Peppermint, and you’ll be well on your way to being headache-free – in an organic, healthy way!
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Hi can u share where u get your oils please. I’m using from some multilevel marketing and it’s costing me a bomb. My daughter has very bad migraines and I’m asthmatic so need oils often. Can help please.
Hi Ainie! I get my oils from doTerra. You can look at my website to see all of the products available and I will also leave my email address so that you can contact me if interested. DoTerra Breathe would definitely help with your asthma. It is a respiratory blend that opens up the airways so that you can breathe easier.