If you suffer from insomnia, or simply have occasional sleep problems, you’ve probably indulged in a number of sleep solutions. Whether it’s Ambien, Nyquil, or some other prescription or over-the-counter medication, you’re tried some or all. Maybe they haven’t worked for you. Maybe they have. Or maybe you’re looking for a healthier, all natural sleep aid.
Note: Essential oils are not designed to “cure” any form of illness. Due to compliance, we have had to cut out a notable amount of content on this page. We apologize for the inconvenience.
That’s where Liquid Ambien comes in – a natural sleep alternative comprised of only 100% organic ingredients.
Before we dig too much deeper, consider these stats from the Sleep Foundation and National Institutes of Health:
- Insomnia is a common sleep issue for adults, but sometimes affects children as well.
- About 30 percent of Americans report some form of sleep disruption.
- Around 10 percent of Americans suffer from symptoms of daytime functional impairment due to lack of sleep.
Simply put, if you often find yourself dreary-eyed throughout the day, you’re certainly not alone.
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Buy an all natural sleep alternative
Lavender in itself has been known to have had a profound impact on people with sleeplessness. One study by Great Britain’s University of Southampton analyzed the sleep patterns of a group of adults. Here’s how the study panned out:
- For 7 days, 50 percent of the participants slept in a room where lavender essential oils were being diffused throughout the room
- The other 50 percent of participants slept in a room where a placebo was run through a diffuser.
- After a week of sleeping the two groups switch rooms. By the end of the study, all participants affirmed that their sleep quality was 20 percent better in the room where lavender was being diffused.
So Lavender, even in single oil form, can be quite effective. But when combined with other oils that contain sedative properties, the impact is a whole lot greater. Vetiver, for instance, is a rich and exotic aroma that is often used in fragrances. Due to its calming effect on our emotions, and its propensity to improve circulation, Vetiver promotes restful sleep just like Lavender does.
So now that you know the “science” behind it all…
A Homeopathic Alternative
We believe firmly in not compromising the integrity of our blends by using lower grade essential oils. So in our blends, we only use Pure Therapeutic Grade oils. Simply put, we only use the highest quality of products, as their PTG distillation process adheres to stringent rules to ensure quality and potency.
Happy dreaming!
What ingredients are in liquid ambien.