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Tell Mosquitoes To Get Lost With Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Now that the warm weather is on its way, millions of Americans will spend their days and nights outdoors while enjoying the beautiful weather. However, with warm weather comes annoying bugs like mosquitoes, ticks and spiders.

While there are many commercial insect sprays available in stores, these sprays can actually do more harm than good. Unfortunately, they are often filled with toxic chemicals that can cause bodily harm.

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While bugs will always be a part of life, there’s no reason to allow them to wreak havoc on your summertime fun. With eucalyptus essential oil, you can keep bugs away for good.

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The Problem with Commercial Insect Repellent Sprays

During the warm summer months, few people leave their homes without a spray bottle of insect repellent. These sprays are a convenient way to keep the bugs far away. The problem, however, is that these sprays are often filled with chemicals that are toxic to the body. These toxic chemicals get inhaled into our lungs and absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin, causing bodily damage over time. Plus, many of these sprays damage the environment.

Few people realize that the Environmental Protection Agency has labeled a number of popular bug sprays as toxic. Many of the chemicals that are found in these products have been linked to hormonal imbalances and damage to the kidneys and liver (source).

That’s why it’s best to stick to essential oils. Oils like eucalyptus are incredibly safe to use and just as effective when it comes to keeping the bugs away.

How Eucalyptus Acts as an Insect Repellent

Like animals, plants need to protect themselves from predators like insects. As a defense mechanism, many plants contain chemical compounds that naturally repel bugs. Eucalyptus essential oil is especially powerful when it comes to keeping bugs away.

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Studies have proven eucalyptus essential oil’s powerful ability to repel mosquitoes. Another benefit of using eucalyptus oil as a mosquito repellent is that the scent will last for hours, keeping mosquitoes away all day long.

Eucalyptus essential oil is so effective when it comes to repelling mosquitoes that Ethiopians apply it to their skin daily to protect themselves from mosquitoes that are carrying malaria (source).


Eucalyptus essential oil repels spiders of all kinds. By simply spraying eucalyptus oil along entryways like doors and windows, you can keep spiders from entering your home (source).

How to Use Eucalyptus Oil for Insect Repellent

To keep the bugs away, simply pour a few drops of eucalyptus oil into a spray bottle filled with water. If you wish, you can add other essential oils that are known bug repellents such as oregano oil and lemon oil.

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Thanks to eucalyptus essential oil’s remarkable ability to keep bugs away, you can enjoy your days in the sun without worrying about getting bitten. Plus, this oil is far safer to use than commercial bug sprays that are loaded with toxic chemicals.

How do you like to keep bugs away during the summertime? Let us know by leaving a comment below. Don’t forget to send this article to your friends!

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