Young Living Diffuser Bracelets and Necklaces

Young Living stands among the largest essential oil brands across the globe. And for good reason, considering it’s unwavering intent on providing a pure, therapeutic grade product. [mv_video key=”cit0ufaybls96g989jqm” volume=”100″ sticky=”false” ratio=””] If you’re already a Young Living essential oil user, then you already know, there is no shortage of applications for your oils. Everything … Read more

Best Oil Blends For a Diffuser Bracelet & Necklace

So you have a beautiful new essential oil diffuser or bracelet. Or you’re just doing some research before making a purchase. Now, you must know how to apply the oils to your new accessory. More specifically, which oils would be best to apply. [mv_video key=”p6zkqkuln36pc6kllfpj” volume=”100″ sticky=”false” ratio=””] While there’s no perfect magical formula, there are some … Read more

Lava Rock Essential Oil Diffuser Necklaces

If you’re already looking into a portable aromatherapy solution, then you probably already know the broad range of benefits essential oils have to offer. That being said, due to their numerous benefits finding which oils to use, while also trying to determine the “best” application, is an entirely different story. Suffering from a cold? Apply a couple drops … Read more

What is a Lava Rock Diffuser Bracelet?

Essential oils are some of the most versatile natural products. They’ve been used for thousands of years for their broad spectrum of therapeutic health benefits (the pleasantly smelling aroma is hardly the only benefit). There are several ways to apply essential oils – the two most popular ways being topical or aromatic diffusion. For instance, you … Read more

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