There are a number of uses and benefits to aromatherapy, especially the use of essential oils. A common problem we humans deal with, whether it’s children or adults, is tiredness, a lack of energy, and low stamina. You might even throw a lack of motivation into the mix. Indeed, it’s difficult to get through the day without yearning for that brain break, or maybe even that afternoon snooze.
So how do we increase energy and motivation naturally? Well, essential oils offer an organic aromatherapy solution to keep your body and mind focused and energized throughout the day. The question is, which oils are the most effective for increasing energy, boosting memory, and warding off fatigue?
A quick sidebar: This isn’t a recommendation we usually throw in, but this is an article you’ll want to read all the way through. By the end, you’ll know how to “get high” in a 100% natural, healthy way. I know, it’s a cruel teaser.
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Add Peppermint oil to your daily routine
After a long, exhausting day of work, or a grinding workout at the gym, rejuvenate your body by using Peppermint essential oil. To “pep” you up (pun intended), you can use Peppermint in a number of ways:
- Apply directly to the skin (depending on the quality of the product, you may need a carrier oil). Rub oil on temples and back of neck.
- Add a few drops to a bath. Pair it with some epsom salts for added relaxation.
- Take a strong whiff straight from the bottle, to get an instant pick-me-up. Get yourself an all natural shot of adrenaline.
- Diffuse the oil throughout your living room or bedroom for sustained results.
All of these healthy, organic solutions will help boost your energy levels, while greatly reducing fatigue. Peppermint can be added topically throughout the day, and you could even run it through a diffuser in your home or office.
Orange – A powerful energy boost
Citrus oils are also great at increasing energy. They’ll make you feel more focused and productive thanks to their potent therapeutic benefits, including their powerful scent. They also have the ability to lift your mood, which is important because psychological issues like stress and depression can spur significant levels of fatigue.
Citrus oils like Orange offer a fresh, sweet aroma made cold pressed straight from the peel. It’s energy-boosting scent delivers a number of health benefits. And it has no shortage of uses:
- Use in spray for all-purpose organic cleaning
- Add a couple drops to water for added flavor and improved health
- Diffuse throughout the room to improve both mood and energy
- Combine with oils like Frankincense and Peppermint for better mind and body energy.
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Quality sleep, it’s critical
Before we get on to the highlight of the article, consider one last important note: Sleep. We know, a “duh” sort of statement. But if you’re not getting quality sleep, naturally, you’re going to face fatigue and a lack of energy throughout the day.
Well, there’s an oil for that too. In fact, there are a number of essential oils for sleep. But arguably the most popular oil for insomnia, anxiety, and general rest is Lavender. While working as a mood-enhancer, Lavender is a calming solution that is perfect for bedtime application.
Working as a natural sleep aid, Lavender aromatherapy helps you get to sleep faster, while helping you to stay asleep throughout the night.
Get a 100% natural high – without drugs!
Instead of taking on that third cup of coffee, try a natural alternative to caffeine. This is a trick that we learned at one of our essential oil trainings. It may sound odd, but believe us, it actually works. Note: Only try this with high quality, therapeutic grade oils, and at your own risk (have to throw that in there). Simply put, a knockoff brand won’t give you the benefits we’re about to discuss
Whenever fatigue sets in, here’s a little trick for you. It will give you a natural high. Seriously, it works oddly well. Simply follow these instructions:
- Add two drops of Peppermint to the palm of one of your hands.
- Add two drops of Orange to the same palm of your hand.
- Rub both palms together to rub the oils into the skin of your palms.
- Hold one hand flat, facing your mouth.
- Take your other hand, make a fist, and put the bottom of your fist down on your other palm.
- Put your mouth to the top of your fist, and suck in deeply, so you’re inhaling the aromas straight through your fist.
I know, it sounds like some mean practical joke. But I can assure you, it’s not. As you suck in the aroma, it will be a shot of adrenaline straight to your head. Again – it’s odd, but it works.
Now, there’s an easier way to apply this trick without having to get your hands oily every hour or two (excuse the shameless plug, but this too good to leave out). Lava stones will hold a scent for a long time. As naturally-formed voids in the Earth, the porous material of the rock allows essential oils to soak in and last for days without reapplying.
Using our Openwork Lava Stone Necklace as an example, you can visualize the process:
Apply 2 Drops

Place in Locket

Diffuse For Days

To sum up this article, first we recommend that you examine your everyday habits. Nutrition, dieting, and exercise are three things to consider when addressing your energy levels.
Next, follow these general guidelines to get your energy plan in place:
- Use Lavender to ease anxiety and help you sleep
- Use Peppermint for a dash of energy
- Use Orange to enhance your mood and reduce fatigue.
- Combine Peppermint and Orange for an instant natural high!
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Fantastic article, thank you!
Thanks for the info!
Trying this palm trick on my husband right now. He’s on his lunch hour from working almost 18 hrs in a row. Really looking ran down. I’ll post results later!
What were the results?
It works amazing! Just as you said, pure adrenaline to the brain
To calm down at night and enjoy a natural high I use clary sage and inhale it deeply from the bottle. Euphoric high with no addiction issues..can’t beat it!
Thank you for the tip, I’ll use this a lot (3 kids and a lot of pain’s hard to get stuff done and this will help!)
Hi Jodie,
Very true. Clary Sage works great for relaxation!
My adult son and I just tried this as both of us got very little sleep last night. I used Young Lippving Citrus Blend as I didn’t have straight orange. We both attest that it worked well. Neither of us got the “adrenaline rush” as was described but felt more energized and have more mental clarity. Will be ordering orange for sure to see what a difference that makes compared to the citrus blend. I am slowly getting my family acclimated to using EO’s????. They are AMAZING!
Helpful post! Why you didn’t notice Lavender oil that contains the chemical linalool and linalyl acetate which have been found in multiple studies to be associated with decreasing anxiety and improving mood.
This oil is my favorite oil, Bella! Because it has so many uses, but it’s most known for its calming and relaxing properties. It’s antispasmodic, regenerative, relaxing and a nervine.
My first was Lavender oil! It helps me with sleep, head and neck tension, stomach issues or motion sickness, is calming, supports skin health and more.
Thanks for your sharing. I will surely have a more comfortable day
Bought this as a gift and it was loved!
Really useful information on the best oils
Thank you for sharing research in your posts!
Some interesting information I didn’t know most of this
I love this! Great oil recommendations–I’m going to have to try it. Thank’s for the great info!
Thank you so much for your recipes. I will put one this morning with my guests!
I’m using this in my diffuser gets me through the day ♡
LOVE how well you put all of this!!
my favorite thing to do is make the oils simple, fun and exciting to understand!