Home / Rosemary Oil / 13 Brilliant Ways To Use Rosemary Essential Oil For A Long, Healthy And Happy Life

13 Brilliant Ways To Use Rosemary Essential Oil For A Long, Healthy And Happy Life

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When most people think of rosemary, their minds immediately go to their favorite Mediterranean dishes that make use of the delicious herb. However, many would be surprised to find out that when turned into an essential oil, rosemary can actually cure a variety of health issues. In fact, rosemary essential oil has been around for centuries, providing countless people with relief from both physical and mental ailments.

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Rosemary Essential Oil Benefits Infographic

1. Ace that Exam by Giving Your Memory a Serious Boost

The brain’s ability to recall memory is an incredibly important function that can be compromised due to stress, age, mental disorders and genetic factors. Aromatherapy, the practice of inhaling essential oils in order to reap mental benefits, has been used for centuries to address various mental concerns. There are quite a few essential oils that can boost memory. However, none are more effective than rosemary essential oil.

Many scientific studies have concluded that rosemary oil can increase memory function. One study examined the effects of both lavender and rosemary essential oils on adults’ ability to recall memories. The study concluded that rosemary essential oil can improve memory function tremendously while also boosting overall cognitive function (source).

Another study demonstrated rosemary oil’s unique ability to improve memory by boosting the brain’s cognitive function. Participants of the study were able to perform mental tasks more quickly and accurately after inhaling the oil (source).

Rosemary oil has also been studied for its ability to improve memory in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Patients who suffer from this fairly common disease experience a rapid decrease in memory as well as cognitive function. The study concluded that the oil is a powerful mental stimulant that can treat the symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease very effectively (source).

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The Memory-Boosting Inhalation Method

  1. Take off the lid of an oil diffuser.
  2. Fill the tank of the oil diffuser with water, being careful not to exceed the fill line.
  3. Screw off the cap of a bottle of rosemary essential oil.
  4. Hold the bottle of rosemary oil in a tilted direction over the diffuser’s water tank so that the spout is leaning toward the tank.
  5. With one finger, lightly tap the bottle of rosemary essential oil’s side so that about five drops to fall into the water tank.
  6. Return the lid to the oil diffuser. Plug the diffuser into an outlet.
  7. Turn the oil diffuser on. As the room begins to fill with the scent of rosemary, concentrate on taking slow, deep breaths.

2. Treat Headaches and Other Common Pains More Effectively than Over-The-Counter Medicines

When people look for over-the-counter headache medicines, they’re usually choosing between two types of pain relievers: analgesic medications and anti-inflammatory medications. Analgesic medications stop pain by interfering with the brain’s pain receptors. Anti-inflammatory medications treat pain by reducing inflammation, an underlying cause of most common types of pain.

Rosemary essential oil is unique because it contains high levels of anti-inflammatory properties as well as analgesic properties thanks to its amazing combination of chemical compounds. Therefore, this incredible oil can treat pain in two different ways simultaneously (source).

Headaches can affect people of all ages. For many, headaches can be debilitating and decrease the sufferer’s ability to perform everyday tasks. Rosemary essential oil treats headaches by reducing inflammation of the tissue while blocking the brain’s ability to perceive pain.

Research has proven rosemary essential oil’s powerful analgesic properties by carefully examining the oil’s chemical compounds. The study tested the pain-relieving affects of a combination of rosemary oil and codeine, a popular analgesic drug, on mice. The study concluded that rosemary oil significantly increases the drug’s potency (source).

The Topical Application Method for Fast Pain Relief

  1. Remove the lid or cap from a clean and empty 20oz plastic bottle.
  2. Using a funnel, fill the bottle with a thin and easily spreadable carrier oil. Examples are olive oil, jojoba oil and sweet almond oil.
  3. Take off the cap of a bottle of rosemary essential oil.
  4. Turn the bottle of rosemary essential oil upside down and position its spout directly above the mouth of the plastic bottle containing the carrier oil.
  5. Shake the bottle of rosemary oil up and down so that about 30 drops of oil fall into the carrier oil.
  6. Twist the cap back onto the 20oz plastic bottle. Shake this bottle vigorously for around 45 seconds.
  7. Whenever you feel pain, pour about one tablespoon of oil into one hand. Rub your palms together. Massage the oil into the skin of the affected area using a circular motion until the oil has completely absorbed into the skin.

3. Prevent the Growth of Cancerous Tumors in a Safe and Natural Way

Research has shown that rosemary essential oil’s chemical compounds are capable of inhibiting the growth of cancerous tumors. The oil contains polyphenols that can inhibit the development of cancer cells. One study tested rosemary oil’s ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells by giving rats oral doses of the oil daily. The study proved the oil’s powerful ability to stop the growth of cancerous tumors (source).

Recently, the medical industry has recognized the Mediterranean diet for its many positive effects on one’s health. The Mediterranean diet has been shown to prevent cancer partly due to its various cancer-fighting herbs such as rosemary (source).

Another study proves the oil’s cancer-fighting abilities by carefully examining its chemical compounds. According to the study, the development of cancer cells is significantly inhibited when consuming rosemary oil daily (source).

The Life-Saving Anti-Cancer Oral Method

  1. Pour about two cups of water into a drinking glass.
  2. Twist the rosemary oil bottle’s cap off and put it aside.
  3. Tilt the rosemary oil bottle so that its spout is facing down. Position it right above the mouth of the drinking glass.
  4. Gently tap the rosemary oil bottle’s side with one finger. Allow about three drops of oil to fall out and into the water.
  5. Stir the water and oil together with a spoon for 20 seconds.
  6. Drink the glass of water entirely. You may drink this once each day.

4. Improve the Function of Your Immune System to Keep Illnesses Away

The body’s immune system is responsible for fighting off infections that lead to diseases. There are many contributing factors to a compromised immune system including poor lifestyle habits, stress and genetic factors.

Antioxidants are known for boosting the immune system by protecting the body’s cells that become damaged as the result of an infection. By protecting these cells, the immune system does not have to overwork itself in order to keep them healthy.

One study demonstrated the positive effects of dietary antioxidants on the immune systems of middle-aged adults. After consuming dietary antioxidants regularly, the participants’ immune systems improved (source).

Rosemary essential oil is loaded with antioxidants thanks to carnosol, one of its chemical compounds (source). One scientific report breaks down the chemical composition of rosemary in order to examine its high antioxidant levels. The study also states that rosemary’s antioxidant properties can inhibit the development of cancer cells (source).

Rosemary essential oil also has anti-inflammatory properties that aid in the function of the immune system as well. When the body is in a state of inflammation, the immune system has to work extremely hard to fight this inflammation, weakening its ability to protect the body from various infections.

The Infection-Fighting Oral Method

  1. Fill a regular drinking glass with water.
  2. After removing the cap from your bottle of rosemary oil, tilt it so that the spout is leaning over the water in the drinking glass.
  3. Gently, with one finger, tap the side of the essential oil bottle so that about three drops fall into the water.
  4. Stir this water and oil combination together for about 30 seconds to mix the two ingredients thoroughly.
  5. Drink the contents of the glass. You can do this once daily.

5. Achieve Gorgeous, Healthy Hair that Smells Incredible

Many commercial hair care products rely on rosemary essential oil because of its numerous benefits to hair. One of its most popular benefits is its ability to promote hair growth by stimulating circulation of the scalp which then stimulates hair follicles (source).

Rosemary oil is also known for its moisturizing properties that can deeply hydrate dry and brittle hair (source).

When it comes to using rosemary to improve your hair, stick to the pure essential oil. Commercial hair care products that contain rosemary are often loaded with harsh chemicals such as sulfates that can actually dry hair out over time.

The “Luscious Hair” Oil Method

  1. With a twisting motion, remove the lid or cap from an empty and clean 20oz plastic bottle.
  2. Fill this bottle with a carrier oil such as jojoba oil or olive oil. You may use a funnel to make pouring easier.
  3. Twist the cap off of a rosemary oil bottle. Hold the rosemary oil bottle upside down and move it directly over the mouth of the carrier oil bottle.
  4. Shake the bottle of rosemary oil up and down, allowing about 30 drops to fall into the carrier oil bottle.
  5. Tightly screw the cap back onto the plastic bottle. Shake the bottle for 60 seconds.
  6. Before you shower, pour about two tablespoons of the oil mixture into one palm. Then, rub both of your palms together. Massage the oil into your scalp.
  7. Allow the oil to sit for 15 minutes before rinsing it out thoroughly in the shower. You may do this three times a week.

6. Say Goodbye to Bad Breath and Prevent Cavities and Gum Disease

Rosemary essential oil has powerful antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that can kill the bacteria that is known to cause common dental problems like tooth decay, gum disease and cavities. Because rosemary oil is safe to ingest, many people use it as an oral rinse (source).

Additionally, rosemary’s minty scent masks bad breath odors instantly while killing the bacteria that is causing the bad breath at the same time.

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The Oral Rinse Method for Healthy Teeth and Gums

  1. Fill an empty 20oz plastic bottle with water.
  2. After removing the cap from a bottle of rosemary essential oil, place the bottle of oil upside down over the 20oz plastic bottle’s mouth.
  3. Shake the rosemary essential oil bottle so that about 25 drops fall into the bottle of water.
  4. Put the cap back onto the plastic bottle. Shake this bottle vigorously for 30 seconds.
  5. Twice each day, pour about two tablespoons of this mixture into your mouth. Swish for 60 seconds before spitting it out into the sink.

7. Never Experience Painful Indigestion Again

Since the 16th century, people have been relying on rosemary oil to treat indigestion. A common digestive ailment, indigestion is caused by the digestive tract’s inability to properly break down food. When we eat, our bodies secrete juices that are rich in enzymes that break down food so that it may easily and painlessly pass through the digestive tract before leaving the body. However, some foods are more difficult for the body to digest than others and the body requires some extra help to prevent indigestion (source).

Common symptoms of indigestion include gas, bloating and pain along the digestive tract. Sometimes, indigestion can be chronic and debilitating. Luckily, rosemary essential oil is a completely safe and natural way to treat indigestion. Plus, it works quickly.

Rosemary oil stimulates the secretion of digestive juices that are necessary for breaking down food so that it may pass through the digestive tract with ease. Rosemary essential oil also has the ability to relax the entire digestive tract when ingested, relieving the intestines of trapped gas that can lead to pain and bloating.

The Fast-Acting Digestive Aid Oral Method

  1. Pour one cup of water into a drinking glass.
  2. Remove the cap from the rosemary essential oil bottle.
  3. Tilt this bottle of rosemary oil so that its spout is facing the glass full of water.
  4. With your index finger, tap the bottle so that about four drops of oil fall into the cup of water.
  5. Stir the cup of water and oil together with a spoon for around 25 seconds.
  6. Drink the entire glass of water after consuming a meal. You may do this once each day.

8. Get Rid of that Pesky Cough at Last with the Pleasant Aroma of Rosemary

Like many essential oils, rosemary oil has tremendously positive effects on the respiratory system. When inhaled, the oil can break up congestion in the respiratory tract by thinning out phlegm and mucus that causes coughing and difficulty breathing. In fact, rosemary essential oil works almost instantly as a decongestant when inhaled (source).

The oil also has antibacterial properties, allowing it to kill bacterial infections that exist within the respiratory system. When ingested, the oil’s antibacterial power will fight the bacteria causing the illness quickly. This is a relief to those who are wary of the side effects caused by antibiotic drugs.

The “Easy Breath” Inhalation Method

  1. Pour two tablespoons of a thin, spreadable carrier oil into a small bowl. Oils that you can use include jojoba oil and olive oil.
  2. Twist off the cap of a bottle of rosemary essential oil. Angle the rosemary oil bottle so that the spout is leaning toward the bowl.
  3. Gently shake the bottle of oil so that about eight drops fall into the bowl.
  4. With a fork or a small whisk, vigorously mix the two oils together for around 20 seconds.
  5. Pour this mixture into one of your palms. Rub your palms together for ten seconds.
  6. Using small, circular motions, massage the oil mixture onto the chest and throat. Continue massaging the oil until it has been absorbed into the skin.

The Oral Method for Respiratory Rescue (For Bacterial Infections)

  1. Pour one cup of water into a regular drinking glass.
  2. Remove and put aside the cap of a bottle of rosemary essential oil.
  3. Position the oil bottle over the glass of water and turn it upside down.
  4. Lightly hit the side of the bottle with one finger to release about four drops of oil into the cup of water. Stir the oil into the water for about 15 seconds.
  5. Drink the entire glass of rosemary oil and water. You may do this once each day until the bacterial infection is gone.

9. Eliminate Embarrassing Acne Once and for All

A pimple is simply an infected pore that becomes inflamed as the bacteria beneath its surface grows. As a result, the pore becomes red, swollen and often painful. There are numerous factors that cause acne including hormonal imbalances, poor hygiene and poor diet. Regardless of the reason behind the acne, everyone who suffers from this embarrassing condition is desperate for a cure.

There are many antibacterial products on the market that promise to eliminate acne for good. The problem with most of these commercial products is that they contain harsh ingredients like alcohol that deprive skin of much-needed moisture. Few people know that when skin is dehydrated, acne can actually become much worse.

The good news is that rosemary essential oil can both kill acne and hydrate the skin. Because of its strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, this incredible oil can eradicate acne without the damaging side effects that are caused by the ingredients found in most commercial acne products (source).

The Spot Treatment Method for Clear Skin

  1. Twist off the cap of a bottle of rosemary essential oil.
  2. Turn the rosemary oil bottle upside down and place one finger on the spout.
  3. With your finger covering the spout, gently shake the bottle up and down. This should allow about one or two drops to fall into your finger.
  4. Dab the oil that’s on your finger directly onto the pimple. You may do this twice each day until the pimple is gone.

10. Eliminate Stress from Your Life and Breathe a Sigh of Relief

In today’s hectic society, more and more people complain of chronic stress. When a person is under stress, their brain releases a hormone called cortisol that triggers adrenaline. When the body is under stress consistently, this constant flow of adrenaline is extremely taxing on the body and can lead to severe health conditions such as cardiovascular disease and stroke. That’s why it’s incredibly important to treat stress before it becomes chronic.

While many doctors offer prescription drugs that slow down the nervous system in order to give the brain the ability to manage stress, these drugs are often addictive and come with severe side effects. Thankfully, rosemary essential oil is a completely safe and natural way to dramatically reduce stress within minutes.

Several studies have demonstrated rosemary oil’s ability to alleviate stress. When rosemary essential oil is inhaled, cortisol levels are actually lowered and the nervous system slows down, allowing a person to relax immediately and avoid the potentially life-threatening risks of chronic stress (source).

The Stress-Free Inhalation Method

  1. Take the cap off of your oil diffuser.
  2. Fill the water tank of the diffuser with water. Be careful not to fill the tank past the maximum fill line.
  3. Remove the top of the bottle of rosemary oil. Lightly shake the bottle while the spout is facing the water, allowing about five or six drops to fall into the tank of water.
  4. Put the lid back onto the oil diffuser.
  5. Plug the oil diffuser into an outlet. Set your diffuser onto a table or surface that is close to where you will be sitting.
  6. As the diffuser emits vapor into the air, take slow, deep breaths.

11. Detoxify Your Liver for a Long and Healthy Life

Rosemary essential oil can actually detoxify the liver by triggering the release of enzymes that break down toxins in the liver. The oil also increases the body’s flow of bile that helps the liver metabolize fat (source).

One study actually demonstrated the oil’s ability to treat cirrhosis of the liver. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, rosemary oil can restore collagen to the tissues of the liver that are destroyed by the condition (source).

The Liver-Enhancing Ingestion Method

  1. Pour one cup of water into a glass.
  2. Remove the cap from a bottle of rosemary essential oil.
  3. Tilt the oil bottle so that its mouth is right above the mouth of the glass of water.
  4. Tap the bottle with one index finger so that about four drops fall into the glass of water.
  5. Stir the oil with a spoon for around 20 seconds.
  6. Drink the glass of water. You may do this once each day.

12. Achieve Youthful, Glowing Skin without Harsh Chemicals

Extensive research has proven a powerful link between antioxidants and younger-looking, healthier skin. Antioxidants are capable of restoring collagen production that improves the elasticity of skin. As we age, collagen production slows down as the result of hormonal imbalances that develop over time. When the skin loses its elasticity, it’s much more susceptible to the development of wrinkles and fine lines (source).

Antioxidants also help protect cells against damage. As we age, our skin’s ability to regenerate skin cells slows down. By applying antioxidants to the skin, vulnerable skin cells are protected against damage, resulting in a healthier, glowing complexion.

The Topical Application Method for Youthful Skin

  1. Pour two tablespoons of a thin carrier oil into a small bowl. Oils that work well include jojoba oil and sweet almond oil.
  2. Twist off the cap of the rosemary oil bottle and pour two drops into the bowl by tapping the top or side of the bottle with one finger.
  3. Stir these two oils together with a fork or whisk for about 15-20 seconds.
  4. Pour the oil combination into one palm. Then, rub your two palms together vigorously until they are evenly coated with the oil mixture.
  5. Massage the oil into the skin using small, circular motions. Continue to massage the oil until the skin has totally absorbed it. You may do this twice each day.

13. Keep Insects Away While Smelling Great

Many essential oils are used as insecticides. That’s because plants give off smells that protect them from being damaged by insects. In fact, most commercial insecticides and bug repellent sprays contain essential oils.

The problem is that most of these commercial products also contain toxic ingredients that can be harmful when absorbed through the skin. That’s why it’s always best to stick to natural essential oils in order to keep bugs away.

Rosemary essential oil is one of the most common natural insecticides thanks to its ability to keep a wide variety of insects away (source).

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The “Bugs Be Gone” Spray Method

  1. Remove the cap from a clean 20oz plastic spray bottle.
  2. Fill the spray bottle with tap water. You may use a funnel if you wish.
  3. After removing the cap from a bottle of rosemary oil, place the oil bottle directly over the mouth of the spray bottle and turn it upside down.
  4. Shake the bottle of rosemary essential oil up and down, allowing around 40 drops to fall into the water.
  5. Twist the cap back onto your spray bottle and shake it for 60 seconds.
  6. Spray this mixture onto your body as well as outdoor plants to keep bugs away.

Rosemary Essential Oil FAQ

What is Rosemary Essential Oil?

Rosemary essential oil comes from rosemary, an herb from the Mediterranean region of the world. The oil is extracted from its flowers as well as its needle-like leaves. In addition to its health benefits, rosemary is used as a flavoring agent for many culinary dishes (source).

What are the Uses of Rosemary Essential Oil?

Rosemary essential oil has many health benefits that have been thoroughly researched and proven by science. Most notably, rosemary essential oil is used for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. The oil is also a natural deodorizer and decongestant.

What is the Composition of Rosemary Essential Oil?

The chemical compounds in rosemary essential oil are a-pinene, borneol, b-pinene, camphor, bornyl acetate, camphene, 1,8-cineole and limonene.

How is Rosemary Essential Oil Made?

Rosemary essential oil is extracted from the leaves and flowers using a steam distillation process. High levels of steam are passed through the leaves and flowers. Then, the steam is collected and the oil is separated.

Does Rosemary Essential Oil Work?

Various scientific studies have proven that rosemary essential oil can treat a variety of physical and mental ailments.

How is Rosemary Essential Oil Taken?


Rosemary essential oil can be applied topically to the skin when diluted. It can also be inhaled to alleviate mood problems as well as congestion. When diluted, rosemary essential is safe to consume orally in small quantities.


Rosemary essential oil is safe to consume orally in small quantities when diluted. It is also safe for topical application as well as inhalation.

Is Rosemary Essential Oil Safe?

Rosemary essential oil is safe when ingested in small quantities, applied topically to the skin and inhaled.

What are the Side Effects of Rosemary Essential Oil?

Ingesting a large quantity of rosemary essential oil can result in vomiting, kidney irritation, skin sensitivity, skin irritation and uterine bleeding. Those who have bleeding disorders may experience an increase in bleeding and bruising when using rosemary essential oil. Those who have epilepsy may experience seizures when using rosemary essential oil (source).

Medical Interactions

There are no known medical interactions.

Pregnant Women

Women who are pregnant may decide to stay away from rosemary essential oil because there is not enough information about its effects on pregnancy.


It is safe for children to take rosemary essential oil. However, if an allergic reaction occurs, discontinue use immediately.

Ingesting Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary essential oil is safe to ingest in small quantities when diluted.

Facts About Rosemary Essential Oil

Botanical name: Rosmarinus officinalis
Common method of extraction: steam distillation
Plant part typically used: leaves, flowers
Color: clear
Consistency: thin
Strength of aroma: medium
Aromatic scent: minty, woodsy
Blends well with: oregano, peppermint, lavender, eucalytpus

Where Can I Buy Rosemary Essential Oil?

Rosemary essential oil is a very popular essential oil that can be found in most specialty stores. It is also available online.

Rosemary Essential Oil Benefits Infographic


Rosemary essential oil is a must-have for anyone who wants to have the ability to treat a variety of health conditions without relying on potentially dangerous medications. From its ability to stimulate hair growth to its astounding ability to inhibit cancer cells, this oil has quite an impressive list of health benefits.

How do you like to use rosemary essential oil? Tell us below in the comments section. Feel free to share this with your friends!

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