Certainly, buying essential oils wholesale vs. buying them at retail prices will save you a considerable amount of money. Just like any other product (I know, it’s an obvious statement), wholesale prices are going to be significantly lower than buying retail.
Which path you want to follow all depends on what you’re looking for in these all natural healing oils. First ask yourself a few questions:
- Am I looking to purchase one or only a few single oils?
- Am I looking to buy, say, a full oil blend kit, or 5 or more single oil bottles?
- Would I like the opportunity to become a wholesaler and refer my friends, family members, and peers in return for commissions
These are all things to consider. If you answered “yes” to question 2 and 3, buying essential oils wholesale is undoubtedly the route to go. We’ll go into more detail in how you can benefit from an essential oils wholesale program later in this article.
How Much Do Essential Oils Cost?
Naturally (no pun intended), the cost of holistic medicine largely depends on the quality of the product. You can certainly go onto Amazon or eBay and find cheap organic products. And you could even buy them in bulk, without refinancing your home.
But if you’re purchasing simply based on price, you won’t receive the benefits you’d gain from a (CPTG) certified therapeutic grade essential oil. So why are the higher quality types of oils more expensive?
- They are distilled without harmful chemicals, which places a burden on the production process (we know, it’s a real shocker!)
- They are very costly to produce because they may require hundreds of pounds of plant material to produce a single pound of oil.
- They are sourced from indigenous regions where the plants grow in their natural environment.
And much, much more. So what do you have to gain by paying just a little bit more?
The Benefits of Naturally Pure Therapeutic Grade Oils
There are plenty of advantages. Therapeutic grade essential oils are very potent, meaning they will provide maximum benefits. Unlike knock-off brands, they deliver a holistic approach to keeping your mind sharp and your body healthy. To dig in deeper with more specific healing benefits, essential oils:
- Are super powerful antioxidants, which means they can work to prevent fungus, mutations and cell oxidation.
- Can advocate for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, leading to improved mood and better quality of life.
- Are anti-fungal, anti-infections, anti-viral, anti-parasitic, and can be used as antiseptics.
There are simply too many advantages to list, but what’s great about this extensive catalog of natural products is that there is a solution for just about any ailment.